I was at somebody else's big day and many photos were taken. Me and all my chins could be spotted in the crowd, sipping champagne during work hours. Good thing.
A few hours ago I did an important presentation in front of important people in an important meeting and I rocked it! Now this. I love the contrasts that are my life.
I finished a shawl. It's gorgeous. But it really is too late and dark to take pictures of knitted things. Dark evenings means autumn. This has been a very autumny day.
A very boring workday at home. I got some stuff done, but I just wanted to do Something Else all the time. The dog is bored, my feet are bare and I just want it to be tomorrow.
I celebrate photo number 100 showing the, in my opinion, prettiest photo ever taken of yours truly. I am three years old wearing a flower wreath. Midsummer of 1982.
Lots to do and out in the world again. Feels good to get out of the house and feel useful, but I felt like an outsider in familiar settings. A very odd feeling.
I'm walking around barefoot and I was working up the courage to take detailed photos of scars and foot related oddity. She took it as an invite to cuddles.
A text message from a missed friend informed me that today 382 years ago the ship Vasa sank outside Stockholm, so with a water themed photo I wish you all a Happy Sinkday!
To walk away from the wonderful chatter of thirty knitters is a difficult thing to do, even when you need it. But by today I badly needed it. So I walked off to have a little more than an hour of this. Solitude. Magnificent view. Silence. Knitting. Blueberries.
photo by Ulrika Sometimes the sun hid behind a cloud, but dang it, I'm still gonna knit outside. Good thing I'm a knitter. I'll just wrap up in a cardigan.
At the knitting retreat surrounded by wilderness and knitters. In total heaven, even though this twined thing is still darn complicated, but I'm starting to really get it...
A million things to do, but I can barely make one at a time. Curiously sluggish mood. There are still berries to pick (more than ten liters on this bush), packing to be done and work to think about.
It is also an experiment in photographic expression, something I don't really master (yet).
And it is a shared adventure.
My friend Ulrika will be posting her self portraits during the same 365 days, and our discussions about the experience is also part of what I hope to get out of this.